Fairchild A-10 Thunderbolt II

Built around the gigantic 30-mm GAU-8 Avenger cannon, the A-10 Thunderbolt II is called the Warthog by its pilots. Despite its ugly looks and nasty nicknames, the A-10 is a remarkable tank killer built to withstand extensive damage. During the 1991 Gulf War, the A-10 proved itself by successfully conducting missions in very hostile environments. An A-10 driver even shot down an Iraki helicopter.


1.This A-10A Thunderbolt II belonging to the USAF 10th Tactical Fighter Wing is exposed at RAF Alconbury. In addition to being one of the ugliest aircraft around, this specific aircraft was lucky enough to receive a rather ugly paint scheme. The Phoenix nose art is rather unusual.(Thanks to JS).


2. A-10A s/n 79-164 of the Air Force Reserve, Whiteman AFB, Missouri.


3. This A-10A Thunderbolt II of the 103rd FS of the Pennsylvania ANG wears the standard european colour scheme, NAS Norfolk, april 1995. Notice that this is the same paint scheme as n°1 but with slightly less flashy colours.

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